Link surfing? There's got to be a more negative term for the vicious circle of "education" in which you find yourself when you can't stop Wikipediaing.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I came across my blog the other day and the front page was blank. That got me asking myself, "why?"
At first I thought it was impostor syndrome, because I do have some irrational fear of posting something wrong. But then I thought back to all the times I posted things that were wrong and remembered I was more afraid of posting something wrong
and no one telling me than I was afraid of simply being wrong.
That led me to another article which reminded me of
the four stages of competence. And I distinctly remember reaching the point of Conscious incompetence, where I finally figured out I didn't know a damn thing. I think
Socrates was stuck there too.
After a while I figured it out: I'm in a state where nothing is novel, everything just comes easily and naturally, so I have nothing to blog about. In other words, I've reached the fourth stage: Unconscious competence.
See also
Dunning–Kruger effect.
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