My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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JetBrains recently announced that IntelliJ IDEA will be open-sourced and have an Apache 2.0-licensed version with the release of 9.0.

Those who've been reading My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder for a long time will know I totally love IDEA.

I haven't written software in Java for quite some time, and I don't normally do "news" posts, but I know enough of you are into Java, Groovy, and Scala to make this worth your while if the $249 was pricey enough to force you into using lesser Java IDEs. Now you don't have to.

Get it and I don't think you'll be disappointed. But don't wait until 10.0. As Cedric Beust pointed out (and I'm inclined to agree), "IDEA going opensource means that it will now slowly die."

I hope not, of course, but one has to wonder.

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