My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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I don't remember what I thought the first time saw the title of this chapter ("Learn to Love Maintenance") from My Job Went To India. I felt sick though. The thought process probably went something like this:
Oh no. You mean I'm going to be stuck here so long I better learn to love it?

I've got it really bad - I have to maintain a bunch of the code I wrote. Mere mortals cannot comprehend how bad that is. When do I get to toss my refuse off to some other sorry excuse for a programmer?
Apparently that's a common response programmers have, given the prospect of enjoying an illustrious career as a an elephant dung-slinger.

But Chad Fowler (in the book) turns it around, saying that not much is expected of maintenance programmers. You just need to fix the occasional bug or add a small feature here or there. It really boils down to this:
[In a greenfield project,] when we don't have the constraints of bad legacy code and lack of funding to deal with, our managers and customers rightfully expect more from us. And, in project work, there is an expected business improvement. If we don't deliver it, we have failed. Since our companies are counting on these business improvements, they will often put tight reigns on what gets created, how, and by when. Suddenly, our creative playground starts to feel more like a military operation - our every move dictated from above.

But in maintenance mode, all we're expected to do is keep the software running smoothly and for as little money as possible. Nobody expects anything from the maintenance crew. Typically, if all is going well, customers will stay pretty hands-off with the daily management of the maintainers and their work. Fix bugs, implement small feature requests, and keep it running. That's all you have to do.
Moreover, after enough code is written, that new project isn't much different than your maintenance work. It's just missing the benefits.

Consequently, you've got a lot more freedom in maintenance to do as you will. Get creative. Spruce up the UI a little bit. Since you get to interact with your "customer" more often, "more people will know who you are, and you'll have the chance to build a larger base of advocates in your business."

On top of that, being responsible for the entire application, it's likely that "even without much effort, you will come to understand what the application actually does." In doing so, you're well on your way to becoming a domain expert.

As I've mentioned before in several of the "Save Your Job" series' posts, as of this writing, I'm working with a small company. So, not only am I a maintenance programmer, I'm a greenfield project programmer too. I've been known to wear more than one hat (As I'm sure many of you can say).

Because of that and the push to drive maintenance costs down - I don't get as many opportunities to get creative in maintenance as Chad suggests. That's a bit of a downer for me.

But he ends it on a motivational high note in the "Act on it!" section: Pick the most important aspect of your maintenance work and find a way to measure it. Make it a point to improve your performance in that area, and measure again. Continuously improve. It's more motivating than having the mindset laid out in the introduction to this post, and you'll likely raise a few eyebrows.

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