My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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I'm going to keep this week's post about My Job Went To India short, because the two quotes I want to pass on from Chad pretty much sum it up:
You work for a business, and unless you provide some kind of real value, you are a waste of money.
So you need to consider what you cost the company - not just your salary, but include your benefits and anything else as well. Compare that with the value you provide. Are you worth it?

You don't need to just meet your cost - Chad mentions that's like putting all of your savings in a 0% interest account. The value you provide needs to exceed your liability.

To get there, ask yourself about it regularly:
A month would pass and I would think, "What did I deliver this month?" Then, I started getting as granular as weeks an days. "Was I worth it today?"

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