On Monday (Jan. 29, 2007) we had our first meeting of the
UH Code Dojo,
and it was a lot of fun. Before we started, I was scared that I'd be standing
there programming all by myself, with no input from the other members. But,
my fear was immediately laid to rest. Not only did everyone participate a lot,
one of the members, Matt (I didn't catch his last name), even took over the
typing duties after about 45 minutes. That turned out to be a good thing -
since I still can't type worth a crap on my laptop, and he was much faster than me.
Now, it had only been a couple of months since I last used Java - but it still amazes me
how little time off you need to forget simple things, like "import" for "require." I found
myself having several silly syntax errors for things as small as forgetting the
semicolon at the end of the lines.
Overall, we started with 7 people, and had 5 for most of the meeting. We finished with
four because one person had tons of homework to do. It seemed like those five of us
who stayed were genuinely enjoying ourselves.
In any case, we decided to stick with the original plan of developing a tic-tac-toe game.
You would think that a bunch of computer scientists could develop the whole
game in the two hours we were there. But, you'd have been wrong.
I came away from the meeting learning two main points, which I think illustrate the main
reasons we didn't complete the game:
- YAGNI is your friend
- Writing your tests first, and really checking them is very worthwhile
Both points are things most of us already know, but things you sometimes lose sight
of when working like that all the time, or without paying attention. But, I
paying attention on Monday, so let me explain how I came to identify those points.
We started by trying to identify a class we could test. This was harder than it looked. We
initially decided on
. There was a lot of discussion on making it an
abstract class, or an interface, or should we just make it support only tic-tac-toe? After
everyone was convinced that we should first make it concrete, because we would not be
able to test it otherwise, we started trying to figure out what we could test.
So, we wrote a
method to check that JUnit was in
place and working.
In the end, we also decided that we would probably want to try to
make it abstract after we tested the functionality, so we could support multiple games.
I think that decision proved to be a bad one - because none of us could figure
out a single peice of functionality that a
should have.
For me, I think this was due mostly to the fact that I was trying to think of
general functionality, so I only came up
, basically the equivalent of
After thinking for a couple of minutes about things we could test, we decided we should
go with something more tangible for us - the
class. Once we did that,
we never had a problem with what to test next. But, we still ran into problems with
YAGNI. We were arguing about what type of object we should use, so I just said "let's use
, then anything will fit and we can be more general when we get
back to
." This led to trouble later, when we had to have checks for
null all the time. So, we changed it to a string whose value could be "x", "o", or "".
That made life, and the code, a lot simpler.
Those are the two main places where ignoring the YAGNI prinicple hurt us. There are also
a couple of places where not writing our tests first hurt us.
The most obvious one is that we were just looking for a green bar. Because of that, we
actually were running the wrong tests, and some of ours hadn't worked in the first
place. We were running the test from the
class, not the
It wasn't too hard to fix the ones that were broken though.
Other than that, we spent
a lot of time trying to figure out if an algorithm to determine a winner would work (in
our heads). If we had just written the test first, we could have run it and seen
for sure if the algorithm was going to work correctly.
Overall, the only other thing I would have changed about how we developed would have been to
decide on several tests in advance, so we would have plenty to choose from,
rather than thinking of a test, then immediately implementing it.
For reference, I've posted our code below.
// Board.java
public class Board {
private String[][] _board;
private boolean current_player;
public Board(int row, int col)
_board = new String[row][col];
current_player = true;
for (int i = 0 ; i < row ; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j < col ; j++)
_board[i][j] = "";
public boolean isEmpty()
for (int i=0; i<_board.length; i++)
for(int j=0; j<_board[i].length; j++)
if (!_board[i][j].equals("")) return false;
return true;
public void setMarkerAtPosition(int row, int col)
if (current_player)
_board[row][col] = "x";
_board[row][col] = "o";
current_player = !current_player;
protected Object getMarkerAtPosition(int row, int col)
return _board[row][col];
protected boolean isGameOver()
return false;
public boolean isRowWinner(int row)
for (int j = 0 ; j < _board[0].length - 1 ; j++)
if (!_board[row][j].equals(_board[row][j + 1]))
return false;
return true;
public boolean isColWinner(int col)
for (int i = 0 ; i < _board.length -1 ; i++)
if (!_board[i][col].equals(_board[i][col]))
return false;
return true;
public boolean isDiagWinner()
boolean diag_winner1 = true, diag_winner2 = true;
for (int i = 0 ; i < _board.length -1 ; i++)
if (!_board[i][i].equals(_board[i+1][i+1]))
if (!_board[i][_board[0].length-1-i].equals(
return diag_winner1||diag_winner2;
// TestBoard.java
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestBoard extends TestCase {
private Board _b;
public void setUp()
_b= new Board(3,3);
public void testBoard()
assertTrue(_b != null);
public void testSetMarkerAtPosition()
_b.setMarkerAtPosition(0, 0);
public void testIsGameOver()
for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)
public void testIsRowWinner()
public void testIsColWinner()
public void testIsDiagWinner1()
public void testIsDiagWinner2()
As you can see, the board object really didn't do what its name implies. That should have
been game, I think. Also, the three check for winner functions are only temporarily
public - we planned on combining them to check for a winner in just one public function.
Other than that, we also need some negative tests, and obviously to complete the game.
Finally, thanks to everyone who showed up for making
it an enjoyable experience! I can't wait for the next one!
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