My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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It may be that I'm still so new to Java that I don't know a good way around this, or it may be that I'm so used to the convenience of Coldfusion that I build tools in Java to help it act more like Coldfusion, but I was having some trouble with MVC in Java. I didn't see why something in my View layer should be importing anything from the package java.sql, such as ResultSet.

Moreover, I wanted to open and close my Connection to the database (and the Statement/PreparedStatement in the Model layer, and doing so would have prevented the ResultSet from being available to the View.

Enter QueryResult. QueryResult simply takes as a parameter a ResultSet and creates a HashMap where each key is a column name, and accessing it gives you an array of the rows' values for that column.

Thus you can get the fifth row of the column email by doing this:

QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(someResultSet);
String emailInRow4 = (String) qr.get("email")[4];

It's not the greatest thing in the world, but it works better than the alternative. I plan to put the code up here for it later, so maybe it could help someone else as well.

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