My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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In case you haven't bought the 2nd Edition Pickaxe or found the 1st Edition of Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide, I'll be covering some of the basics of Ruby here. I've got both, but I haven't looked at the first edition in a couple of months, and haven't yet found the time to open the second edition and give it the attention it deserves.

But, I have been in class, so I thought I might go over some of the simple things in Ruby, with no real method to my madness. I'll just be going through different things as I remember them. Enjoy the lack of structure. You could actually copy and paste that into an IDE or .rb file and run it as-is if you wanted.

# the hash/pound/number symbol gives us a comment

# set a variable
val = 10;

#semicolons are optional per line. if you want more than one statement
#per line, you'll have to use it
something = 1; something_else = 2
puts something, something_else
puts '--------------------------'

# while loop putting 9 down to 0
while val > 0
    #'puts' puts a string to the console
    puts val = val-1
puts '--------------------------'
# or you can do
val = 10
puts val = val -1 while val > 0
puts '--------------------------'
val = 10
puts val = val -1 until val < 1
puts '--------------------------'
for i in 1..10 # .. shows us the range object
    puts i
puts '--------------------------'
9.upto(10) { |v| puts v }
puts '--------------------------'

9.downto(1) { |v| puts v }
puts '--------------------------'

condition = true
if condition
    puts "yes"
    puts "yoho"
    puts "no"
puts '--------------------------'

puts "yes" if condition
puts "no" unless condition

puts '--------------------------'

class Car #define a class called Car. Must begin with an uppercase letter
    attr_reader :miles, :fuel_level #like getMiles but auto-done for you
    attr_writer :fuel_level #like setFuelLevel, but can use on LHS of equation
    # you could also use:
    # def fuel_level=(lvl)
    # @fuel_level = lvl
    # end
    def initialize (year)# is called when an object is created
       @year = year # @varname lets us know that it is a member variable
       @miles = 0
       @fuel_level = 100

    def drive #define a method called drive
       puts "we are driving the car for one mile"
       @miles += 1
       @fuel_level -= 1
puts c1.fuel_level
# attr_writer example
puts c1.fuel_level=29

# the last statement is the one returned from a method

#attr_reader example
puts c1.miles.to_s + " miles driven" #to_s = toString
# one of my only beefs so far is that you cant simply do
# puts 1 + "sam"
puts '--------------------------'

# inheritance is done via the less than symbol <
class SoupedUpCar < Car
    def drive # will drive 3 times as fast with only 2 times the gas consumption
       @fuel_level -= 1

c2 =
puts c2.inspect #gives us info on the object (puts is there for output only)
puts c2.class #tells us the class of the object

#add a method to SoupedUpCar
class SoupedUpCar
    def burnout
       puts "smell the rubber?"

#notice c2 has not been reinstantiated or anything

Thats all for now. I'm starting to think I should have organized the code a little better. Maybe next time. I certainly need a colorizer for it.

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