My Secret Life as a Spaghetti Coder
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Most online developer API services that I've used are set up as if the customer is also the software developer.

That should change.

As the software developer, I don't want to be the owner of my customer's accounts, and I don't want to worry about trying to figure out how to transfer ownership (if your service allows it, that is). Because of that, theres a lot of waste that goes on: wastes of my time, which wastes my customer's or my company's money.

I'm saying "customer" here, but you might substitute that with "the person who really needs / cares about the account," because that person, in my estimation, is rarely the software developer. Unless I'm developing an app for myself, I only care about that API because someone else needs me to. And even when I'm developing for myself, I hope it gets to a point where I need to hire someone to care about it on my behalf, so I can focus on more important things.

The typical signup process for me goes like this: More...

Hey! Why don't you make your life easier and subscribe to the full post or short blurb RSS feed? I'm so confident you'll love my smelly pasta plate wisdom that I'm offering a no-strings-attached, lifetime money back guarantee!

Suppose you have some awesome analytics tool that provides great value to a bank's customer, but they need to interact with it through the bank's website, and you need to host the tool.

You already have the data you need for the analytics to work, and the only missing piece you're left to consider is "how do I know to whom to show which data?"

The data is private, so you need to ensure you're not showing it to someone who's not authorized to see it.


I'm working on a website analytics tool, and in pursuit of that goal, I wanted to POST some data from a series of websites to the one that's doing the tracking. If you've tried to do that before, you've run afoul of the same origin policy, as I did, so you'll need to specify how your application handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

I won't go into all the details about why that is the case - for that you can read the Wikipedia links above. Instead, I'm going to show a short example of how I handled this in my Rails 3 app.

First, you need to specify a route that will handle an HTTP OPTIONS method request.

# config/routes.rb
  resources :web_hits, :only=>[:create]
  match '/web_hits', :controller => 'web_hits', :action => 'options', :constraints => {:method => 'OPTIONS'}


I put faith in web application development as an income source like I put faith in the United States Social Security system. That is to say, it's there now, but I don't expect to be able to rely on it in its current incarnation very far into the future.

James Maguire quotes Robert Dewar hitting the nail on the head: More...

I was having trouble with dragging and dropping elements using Scriptaculous's dragdrop.js. Apparently, I'm not the only one. The problem was:
I have a div with overflow = auto, so when there is more content than the size of the div, scrollbars appear. My draggables and droppables are all elements inside of that div. Everything works fine when the scrollbar is scrolled all the way to the top, but when you scroll it down any amount, the draggables fail.

It was a sunny day in October, and Origin Shabamtech's web site had crashed for the umpteen millionth time. Mr. Shabam, the company's CSO, was desperate.

The money they were making from the website was great - processing seven figures monthly - but it wouldn't continue if the application kept crashing. More...

It's been just over one year since I got excited about Arc.

Luckily for the language dorks, Paul Graham announced the release of Arc the language today.

There's even a tutorial suitable for beginners to Lisp.

I hope to have it installed and running a very simple web app by the end of the week. Work and school are calling though (and house-hunting and other things), so I may need to use my open source time to check it out.

Unfortunately, Paul says "we're giving notice in advance that we're going to keep acting as if we were the only users. We'll change stuff without thinking about what it might break, and we won't even keep track of the changes." So don't go building anything serious.

Best quote on reddit? "Someone somewhere invented a vaporware condensation machine and has been running it...."

In any case, let me know if you're going to be playing with it.

I know, I know - everyone has big monitors now.

But with 1900+ pixels, I keep half for the browser and half for other stuff. If you go with 1000+ pixels, it doesn't leave me with enough room for my other apps, and I've got to (ack!) scroll sideways. It's not as bad with the ball on the Mighty Mouse, but most people don't have one and it's not exactly effortless even with one.

What do you think?


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