Posted by Sam on Nov 13, 2010 at 10:34 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Focus on your customer's feelings, be clear about deliverables, and if you don't intend to deliver the fluff, don't talk about it as if you do.
Don't design contracts and project meetings around making yourself feel warm-and-fuzzy. Stroking your ego like this makes you feel like a hero who under-promised and over-delivered. Unfortunately, the customer got the opposite impression.
How is it that two groups of people experienced the same phenomenon, yet come away interpreting it world's apart?
Miscommunication and failure to manage expectations.
If you fail to communicate and verify what was understood was what you intended to say, you're liable to set expectations much higher than you can possibly deliver. That leads to pissed-off customers, or worse: past customers.
Hey! Why don't you make your life easier and subscribe to the full post
or short blurb RSS feed? I'm so confident you'll love my smelly pasta plate
wisdom that I'm offering a no-strings-attached, lifetime money back guarantee!
Posted by Sam on Feb 06, 2010 at 10:36 AM UTC - 5 hrs
There was once upon a time I held some affinity for Expert'sExchange.
I tried hard and succeeded at becoming an expert. I thought it might look good on a resume and in fact
I got a few offers of job and freelance work from it.
I was an expert at ColdFusion.
A couple of the guys who I remember racing for "the right answer" are still up there, including one who came after the
guys who came after the guys who came after Dain
" OMFG do they really have a book on ACM?" Anderson. You might know
him. It might be from cfcomet fame.
(I have no clue why my email address from back then says I have no account,
nor do I know why I'm no longer listed in the top experts even though I ha(d/ve) the points).
I used to give EE ideas
on how to make their service better. I don't mean to sound like an ideaman -- I know ideas are only worth something
when they're executed -- but I told them I'd implement the ideas for them. A simple one that I harped on was: instead of
getting X number of email notifications on a question, send me the first one, and only send me subsequent emails if I've logged in.
This was before RSS days, so I had no way to stay up-to-date without it
(or shittons of irrelevant emails).
It wasn't a hard thing to implement. It didn't matter though: my suggestions fell on deaf ears.
And the site, as you know, tried to maximize earnings while ensuring
it's audience remained pissedoffandalienated.
That's right, when I stopped contributing, EE became an outhouse on the web. I take full credit: when I left,
EE began its downfall.
Seeing as you're reading this blog, chances are that you're a programmer.
Being such, you probably know how evil ExpertS-exchange became. You (used to) google for a problem,
and more often that not, some spammy BS from that site would show up. If you were savvy and
in-the-know, you'd not have clicked on it. And if you didn't happen to be paying attention, you'd
realize you made that gawdawful click when you saw the page loading, and immediately scroll
to the bottom to see the answer.
It was ripe for ripping and easy to pick off. That's a 20-20 hindsight thought. StackOverflow
is in the process of taking over EE (if
it hasn't by the time you read this). Thankfully.
But the two programmers' questions websites are incidental to this story. Actually, this story is more about business, and
recognizing a market and capitalizing on it.
A little while ago, I was looking for content to embed in a high-school course. I thought,
It's still true. But then,
at the time of this writing, I was looking for the non-clipboard-screenshot-save-as-file keyboard shortcut on MacOSX.
It looks like a pattern. But it's not yet.
Even though I already play guitar, I was wondering about how I might teach it to my daughter. I was self-taught, so I don't know how I'd go
about teaching someone else without feeling like I've crippled them. Later, after spending the evening with teachers and principals,
I was thinking about how they accommodate gifted kids.
As you can tell, it doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what you think. comes up in all these (seemingly?)
random cases as an authority answer to the question. What's worse: it's hard enough to tell the ads from the content for
someone you'd expect to be savvy on that. Can you imagine the hardship a "normal person" would suffer?
If it's not obvious now, the million dollar idea is to do to what StackOverflow did to Experts-Exchange.
I assume has some good content, but it's too hard to tell by looking at it. The position is ripe for the picking.
Create an unspamalicious and you're rich.
Tell me about it if you make the attempt. I'll link it here.
Last modified on Feb 06, 2010 at 10:37 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Jan 14, 2009 at 12:00 AM UTC - 5 hrs
This is the first in a series of my answers to Jurgen Appelo's list of
100 Interview Questions for Software Developers.
Jurgen is a software development manager and CIO at
ISM eCompany, according to
his About page.
The list is not intended to be a "one-size-fits-all, every developer must know the correct answer to all questions" list.
Instead, Jurgen notes:
The key is to ask challenging questions that enable you to distinguish the smart software developers from the moronic mandrills.
This list covers most of the knowledge areas as defined by the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge.
Of course, if you're just looking for brilliant programmers, you may want to limit the topics to [the]
Construction, Algorithms, Data Structures and Testing [sections of the list].
And if you're looking for architects, you can just consider the questions under the headings
Requirements, Functional Design and Technical Design.
But whatever you do, keep this in mind:
For most of the questions in this list there are no right and wrong answers!
Keeping that in mind, I thought it would be fun for me to provide my off-the-top-of-my-head answers, as if I had not
prepared for the interview at all. The format will first list the question, my initial response (to start
the discussion), followed by a place I might have looked for further information had I seen the questions
and prepared before answering them.
Though I hope otherwise, I may fall flat on my face. Be nice, and enjoy.
- Can you name a number of non-functional (or quality) requirements?
I'd first mention performance and security, from the user's perspective. I'd then mention meeting minimum
requirements for metrics like code coverage in testing and dependencies in our design. I don't consider
code quality out-of-order when it comes to requirements.
The non-functional requirements
page at Wikipedia lists several examples. Notable exceptions from my quickie-response: accessibility,
documentation, portability. There are several that are listed that I consider covered by what I've listed,
but I missed some that caused me to say
- What is your advice when a customer wants high performance, high usability and high security?
My "advice" starts with the questions: "What do you consider X to be?" where X belongs to the set {"high performance",
"high usability", "high security"}. I might offer that I consider "high performance"
to be a misnomer, as it's either acceptable or not, and that unless the customer defines it, I don't
know how we'd even attempt to measure something as vague as "usability."
I'm not sure where I'd prepare for this question. Any suggestions are appreciated.
- Can you name a number of different techniques for specifying requirements? What works best in which case?
I can name several: tell me in person, tell me over email, tell me over IM or
over the phone.
I know that's not what you're looking for. You're looking for answers like "use cases." It all boils down to the same.
I might even mention "unit tests" here. That's part of the spec, as far as I'm concerned, and for almost
any software I write for myself, it's the only way I specify requirements (except for maybe a very informal to-do
Face-to-face works best in most cases, I'd gather.
The answer after doing some research: ¡Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta! I didn't see this coming. There are a number of things that could qualify as answers
(Prototyping, Storyboards, Modeling, ..., State transitions) that I knew about beforehand. I thought to include
none of them.
- What is requirements tracing? What is backward tracing vs. forward tracing?
My response? "I don't know anything about requirements tracing. I'm willing to learn."
Once again, Wikipedia tells us about requirements
traceability, illuminating the issue for us.
- Which tools do you like to use for keeping track of requirements?
I generally use a combination of a text file and emails, as far as the client is concerned. If it's a larger
system, I'll use something like Sharepoint, Basecamp,
or another system that performs a similar function. I have no preferences, because nothing I've ever used
compares to a simple list. If it does, it's equally useful.
I don't know that I'd say I like any of them. In reality I prefer a simple to-do list that I encode in
tests (insofar as I'm capable of writing the tests) and knock them out one-by-one.
- How do you treat changing requirements? Are they good or bad? Why?
I don't give a value judgement on changing requirements: they are inevitable. They can be good or bad depending on
how the client handles them.
I always try to let the client know: I can do X amount in Y timeframe. You asked for Z total.
Here's an estimate for each item in Z, pick X from it for our current Y timeframe. I'll get back to you every Y timeframe to show a demo,
and you can choose X from the remaining Z again (with changes based on circumstances if required). Feel free
to fire me when you have enough out of Z that's functional. (Ok, I probably wouldn't say the last sentence in those
terms, but I'd find a way to say it, if for no other reason than to sell them the rest of the process.)
As far as looking it up before the interview: I've review Agile literature. Searching any of the agile yahoo groups
for the question at hand ought to be good enough.
- How do you search and find requirements? What are possible sources?
"What do you mean?" would be my response. I really don't know. What does searching and finding requirements mean?
Does it mean figuring out how to do requirements that I don't know how to accomplish?
If so, the first step is Google. In
the rare event no one that I can find has had my problem, I'll go traipsing through the source code if
it's available.
Clearly, I don't know where to start here.
- How do you prioritize requirements? Do you know different techniques?
I rarely prioritize requirements. I let the customer decide. I give them a relative cost of implementing
X requirement vs. implementing Y requirement, and let them decide. If Y requires X, then I tell them
I know of different techniques - take "random" for example. I don't know what they might be called. But I
cannot think of anything better, even if it were decreed as a Top 10 Commandment for Prioritizing Requirements.
No web search for this comes to mind. I'd review a couple of process management books if I had no clue.
This seems to be a decent discussion,
if you must have one from me from a cursory browse.
- Can you name the responsibilities of the user, the customer and the developer in the
requirements process?
The user will be the person using the software, versus the customer being the one who pays for its development.
I hate that distinction. The developer programs it. Responsibilities? In my ideal organization, I'd have:
Developers working with the Customer to manage requirements.
Developers working with the User to make the application work for them regardless of the Customer (I've
seen too many projects where the User had to use whatever the Customer purchased, even
if the purchase was ... little yellow bus-ish.)
Customer/User having daily meetings with the developer
Developer making the best software he/she can given the constraints.
Again, I don't know where I'd look this up before being asked. Suggestions (again, as always) are most welcome.
- What do you do with requirements that are incomplete or incomprehensible?
I send an email saying "I don't understand what you mean. Please read the very small attached book
and get back to me."
Just kidding, of course (at least in most cases. I've been recently tempted to send that exact email, as it happens.)
I just ask them to clarify. If I don't have contact with the customer, I ask the intermediary to clarify or
get clarification.
Outside reading: Agile, and hopefully other processes for some compare and contrast.
I think these are decent answers to start a discussion with. If you're a hiring manager, what do you say? Would you show me the door, or keep me around for a while longer?
It's not quite as hard as Steve Yegge's list
of things to know (I'll get to that eventually), but it's a good (and more well-rounded!) list nevertheless.
How would you answer the Requirements questions?
Posted by Sam on Dec 12, 2007 at 08:22 AM UTC - 5 hrs
I'm not talking about Just-In-Time compilation. I'm talking about JIT
When you order furniture, it likely gets assembled only after the order was received.
Toyota is famous for doing it with cars.
You can do it yourself with JIT published books.
On top of that, Land's End offers custom tailored, JIT manufactured clothing.
It's easy to say, "yes, we can publish software in the same manner." Every time we offer a
download, it's done just in time. This post was copied and downloaded (published) at the
moment you requested it.
That's not what I'm talking about either.
A disclaimer: I've yet to read the relevant book ( Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit)
from the Poppendieck's that brought Lean to
software. They may have covered this before.
What my question covers is this: Can we think of an idea that would be repeatable, sell
it to customers to fund the project, and then deliver it when it's done? (It should be sold to
many customers, as opposed to custom software, which is, for the most part, already developed in that manner.)
In essence, can we pre-sell vaporware?
We already pre-sell all types of software - but that software is (presumably) nearing a
releasable state (I've had my doubts about some of it). Can we take it to the next level
and sell something which doesn't yet exist?
If such a thing is possible, there are at least three things you'll need to
be successful (and I bet there are more):
- A solid reputation for excellence in the domain you're selling to, or a salesperson with
such a reputation, and the trust that goes with it.
- A small enough idea such that it can be implemented in a relatively short time-frame. This, I
gather, would be related to the industry in which you're selling the software.
- An strong history of delivering products on time.
What do you think? Is it possible? If so, what other qualities do you need to possess to
be successful? If not, what makes you skeptical?
Last modified on Dec 12, 2007 at 08:23 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Dec 07, 2007 at 03:06 PM UTC - 5 hrs
When someone starts complaining about customers who are making silly requests, I normally say something like,
"I know! If it weren't for those damn customers, we'd have a perfect program!"
There'd be no one using it, but hey - the application would be sweeeeet.
This week I'm going to diverge from Chad's book on how to save your job. That's mostly
because I don't have the book with me, but this has been on my mind the last couple of days
anyway: the fear of success.
I've noticed it in myself and others from time to time - inexplicably sabotaging opportunities to succeed.
I try not to listen to that voice now if I can help it.
More recently, I've started to notice it in companies and customers as well - groups as opposed to individuals.
I've started wondering if reluctance to "go live" until the product was a symbol of perfection
fits in with this phenomenon.
What can we do to help them get over this irrational behavior? If they continuously request those trivial changes
and never go live, the project has failed. Do you think they will blame themselves, their ideas, and their actions?
No, they will blame you, and find someone else to work with next time.
So you may have been paid for your time, but it still impacts you negatively.
Don't get me wrong - sometimes there are good reasons to wait to release a product or service. Sometimes,
you don't need to DIFN.
However, the fear
that your customers won't know to look under "output devices" to find a subcategory of "printers" is
probably not on that list of reasons. Someone has been using a product to great advantage
for many years
and you want to "wait until you finish the last bit" to sell it as a whole to others - also probably not
on that list. You want the login on the left hand side instead of the right?
After a week of such changes, it's one thing. Six months? GMAFB.
Perhaps you'd have been better off letting your customer's use it to see if they got confused, preferred
blue links to red ones, or even happened upon an idea to make the application flow better.
So what does make the "OK to wait"-list? The fear
of underwhelming an audience with your unfinished product would, especially if you're
get to show them exactly one time. I can't think of much else that does. Can you?
So the point is that you need to get over the fear of success. Stop snatching defeat from the jaws of
victory. Let a good thing or two happen. Help your customer's get past their fears.
Changing ourselves
to recognize that fear and ignore it is something we can all do. Looking at our customer's excuses to
keep the product in the warehouse from a fear-of-success angle might provide a way to relate to them
instead of scoffing at their incessant requests for frivolity.
Success is staring you in the face. All you have to do is stick your hand out and embrace hers. Why do
you turn and run away?
I'm exploring this space for the first time.
Obviously, I have a lot of questions and very few answers. If you've got either of them, let me know
in the comments - it's always appreciated.
Last modified on Dec 07, 2007 at 03:07 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Nov 26, 2007 at 06:08 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Last week I posted about why software developers should care about process, and
how they can improve themselves by doing so. In the comments, I promised to give a review of
what I'm doing that seems to be working for me. So here they are - the bits and pieces that work for me.
Also included are new things we've decided to try, along with some notes about what I'd like to
attempt in the future.
Preproject Considerations
Most of our business comes through referrals or new projects from existing customers.
Out of those, we try only to accept referrals or repeat business from
the " good clients," believing
their friends will be similarly low maintenance, high value, and most importantly, great to work with.
We have tried the RFP circuit in the past, and recently considered
going at it again. However, after a review of our experiences with it, we felt that unless you are the cause of the RFP
being initiated, you have a subatomically small chance of being selected for the project (we've been on both
ends of that one).
Since it typically takes incredible effort to craft a response, it just seems like a waste of hours
to pursue.
On the other hand, we are considering creating a default template and using minimal
customization to put out for future RFPs, and even then, only considering ones that have a very
detailed scope, to minimize our effort on the proposal even further.
We're also trying to move ourselves into the repeatable solutions space - something that really takes the
cheap manufacturing ability we have in software - copying bits from one piece of hardware storage to another -
and puts it to good use.
Finally, I'm very interested to hear how some of you in the small software business world bring in business.
I know we're technically competitors and all, but really, how can you compete with
The Software Development Life Cycle
I won't bother you by giving a "phase" by phase analysis here. Part of that is because I'm not sure
if we do all the phases, or if we're just so flexible and have such short iterations the phases seem to bleed
together. (Nor do I want to spend the time to figure out which category what each thing belongs in.)
Depending on the project, it could be either. Instead, I'll bore you with what we do pretty
much every time:
At the start of a project, we sit down with client and take requirements. There's nothing fancy here.
I'm the coder and I get involved - we've found that it's a ridiculous waste of time to pass
my questions through a mediator and wait two weeks to get an answer. Instead, we take some paper or
cards and pen, and dry erase markers for the whiteboard. We talk through of what the system should do at a high level,
and make notes of it.
We try to list every feature in terms of the users who will perform it and it's reason for existence.
If that's unknown, at least we know the feature, even if we don't know who will get to use it or why
it's needed. All of this basically gives us our "use cases,"
without a lot of the formality.
I should also note that, we also do the formal bit if the need is there, or if the client wants to
work that way. But those meetings can easily get boring, and when no one wants to be there, it's not
an incredibly productive environment. If we're talking about doing the project in Rails or ColdFusion,
it often takes me longer to write a use case than it would to implement
the feature and show it to the client for feedback, so you can see why it might be
more productive to skip the formality in cases that don't require it.
After we get a list of all the features we can think of, I'll get some rough estimates of points
(not hours) of each feature to the client, to give them an idea of the relative costs for each feature.
If there is a feature which is something fairly unrelated to anything we've had experience with, we give
it the maximum score, or change it to an "investigate point cost," which would be the points we'd need
to expend to do some research to get a better estimate of relative effort.
Armed with that knowledge, they can then give me a prioritized list of the features they'd like to see
by next Friday when I ask them to pick X number of points for us to work on in the next week. Then
we'll discuss in more detail those features they've chosen, to get a better idea of exactly what it is
they're asking for.
We repeat that each iteration, adjusting the X number of points the client
gets to choose based on what was actually accomplished the previous iteration - if there was spare time,
they get a few more points. If we didn't finish, those go on the backlog and the client has fewer points
to spend. Normally, we don't have the need for face to face meetings after the initial one, but I prefer
to have them if we can. We're just not religious about it.
Whiteboards at this meeting are particularly useful, as most ideas can be illustrated quite quickly, have
their picture taken, and be erased when no longer needed. Plus, it lets everyone get involved when we start
prioritizing. Notecards are also nice as they swap places with each other with incredible ease.
Within each iteration,
we start working immediately. Most of the time, we have one week iterations, unless there are a couple of projects going on -
then we'll go on two week iterations, alternating between clients. If the project is relatively stable,
we might even do daily releases. On top of that,
we'll interface with client daily if they are available that frequently, and if there is something to show.
If the project size warrants it, we (or I) track our progress in consuming points on a burndown chart.
This would typically be for anything a month or longer. If you'll be mostly done with a project in a week,
I don't see the point in coming up with one of these. You can set up a spreadsheet to do all the calculations
and graphing for you, and in doing so you can get a good idea of when the project will actually
be finished, not just some random date you pull out of the air.
Another thing I try to be adamant about is insisting the client start using the product as soon as it
provides some value. This is better for everyone involved. The client can realize ROI
sooner and feedback is richer. Without it, the code is not flexed as much. Nor do you get to see what
parts work to ease the workload and which go against it as early in the product's life, and that makes changes more difficult.
For us, the typical client has been willing
to do this, and projects seem to devolve into disaster more readily when they don't.
Finally, every morning we have our daily stand-up meeting. Our company is small enough so that we can
talk about company-wide stuff, not just individual projects. Each attendee answers three questions:
- What did you do yesterday?
- What are you going to do today?
- What is holding you back
The meeting is a time-conscious way (15 minutes - you stand so you don't get comfortable) to keep
us communicating. Just as importantly, it keeps us accountable to each other, focused on setting
goals and getting things
done, and removing obstacles that get in our way.
On the code side of things, I try to have unit tests and integration tests for mostly everything.
I don't have automated tests for things like games and user interfaces. I haven't seen much detriment
from doing it this way, and the tradeoff for learning how to do it doesn't seem worth it at the moment.
I would like to learn how to do it properly and make a more informed decision though. That
will likely come when time is not so rare for me. Perhaps when I'm finished with school
I'll spend that free time learning the strategies for testing such elements.
Luckily, when I'm working on a ColdFusion project, cfrails is pretty well tested so I get to skip a lot
of tests I might otherwise need to write.
By the same token, I don't normally unit test one-off scripts, unless there are obvious test cases I can
meet or before doing a final version that would actually change something.
I don't know how to do it in CF, but when I've use continuous integration tools for Java projects it has been
helpful. If you have good tests, the CI server will
report when someone checks in code that breaks the tests. This means bad code gets checked in less often.
If you don't have the tests to back it up, at least you'll feel comfortable knowing the project builds
For maintenance, we normally don't worry about using a project management tool to track issue.
Bugs are fixed as they are reported - show stoppers immediately, less important within the day, and things deemed
slight annoyances might take a couple of days. I'd like to formalize our response into an actual policy, though.
Similarly, new requests are typically handled within a couple of days if they are small and I'm not
too busy - otherwise I'll give
an estimate as to when I can have it done.
With bugs in particular, they are so rare and few in number
that I could probably track them in my head. Nevertheless, I mark an email with my "Action Required" tag,
and try my best to keep that folder very small. Right now I've overcommitted myself and the folder isn't
empty, but there was a time recently that it remained empty on most nights.
In any event, I normally only use project management tools for very large projects or those I inherited
for some reason or another.
If you're a practitioner, you can tell the ideas above are heavily influenced by (when not directly part of)
Scrum and Extreme Programming. I wouldn't call what we're doing by either of their names. If you're not familiar
with the ideas and they interest you, now you know where to look.
Where would we like to go from here?
One thing that sticks out immediately is client-driven automated testing with Selenium or FIT.
I'd also like to work for several months on a team that does it all and does it right,
mostly to learn how I might better apply things I've learned, heard of, or yet to be exposed to.
What else? That will have to be the subject of another post, as this one's turned into a book.
Thoughts, questions, comments, and criticisms are always welcome below.
Last modified on Nov 26, 2007 at 06:16 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Nov 23, 2007 at 11:11 AM UTC - 5 hrs
In this week's advice from MJWTI,
"The Way That You Do It," Chad Fowler talks about process and methodology in software development. One quote
I liked a lot was:
It's much easier to find someone who can make software work than it is to find someone who can make the
making of software work.
Therefore, it would behoove us to learn a bit about the process of software development.
I never used to have any sort of process. We might do a little requirements gathering, then code everything
up, and show it to the customer a couple of months later. They'd complain about some things and offer
more suggestions, then whoever talked to them would try to translate that to me, probably a couple of
weeks after they first heard it. I'd implement my understanding of the new requirements or fixes, then
we'd show it to the customer and repeat.
It was roughly iterative and incremental, but highly dysfunctional.
I can't recall if it was before or after reading this advice, but it was around the time nevertheless that I
started reading and asking questions on several of the agile
development mailing
Doing that has given me a much better understanding of how to deliver higher quality, working software on a timely
basis. We took a little bit from various methodologies and now have a better idea of when software will
be done, and we interface with the customer quite a bit more - and that communication is richer than ever
now that I involve myself with them (most of the time, anyway). We're rolling out more things as time goes
along and as I learn them.
I'd suggest doing the same, or even picking up the canonical books on different methodologies and reading
through several of them. I haven't done the latter quite yet, but it's definitely on my list of things to do.
In particular, I want to expose myself to some non-Agile methods, since most of my knowledge comes from
the Agile camp.
Without exposing yourself to these ideas, it would be hard to learn something useful from them.
And you don't have to succumb to the dogma - Chad mentions (and I agree) that it would be sufficient to
take a pragmatic approach - that "the best process to follow is the one that makes your team the most
productive and results in the best products." But it is unlikely you will have a "revelationary epiphany"
about how to mix and match the pieces that fit your team. You've got to try them out, "and continuously refine
them based on real experience."
I don't think it would be a bad idea to hire a coach either (if you can afford one - or maybe you
have a friend you can go to for help?), so you've got someone to tell you if you're doing
it the wrong way. If you have a successful experiment, you probably did it the right way. But you won't
likely know if you could get more out of it. The same is said of doing it the wrong way - you may be
discarding an idea that could work wonders for you, if only you'd done it how it was meant to be.
In the end, I like a bit of advice both Venkat and Ron Jeffries
have given: You need to learn it by doing it how it was meant to be done. It's hard to pick and choose different practices without
having tried them. To quote Ron,
My advice is to do it by the book, get good at the practices, then do as you will. Many people want to skip to step three. How do they know?
Do you have any methodological horror stories or success stories? I'd love to hear them!
Update: Did I really spell "dysfunctional" as "disfunctional" ? Yup. So I fixed that and another spelling change.
Last modified on Nov 24, 2007 at 06:17 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Nov 12, 2007 at 10:36 AM UTC - 5 hrs
I was in a conversation recently about our mission and vision statements, and how it is important to have them as a model of what your company is trying to do, and what it would like to be doing in the future.
It got me to thinking about why, as a programmer, it is important to understand the basics of business.
Without understanding the company mission or vision, how can you support the business goals and aspirations? Without knowing them, how can you understand them?
We're in the process of redefining ours. What are yours? Do you have a personal mission and vision for your career? Can you boil it down into a couple of concise sentences?
That's one I'm going to have to think about. But I'd love to hear your ideas...
Posted by Sam on Oct 22, 2007 at 12:05 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Relating to customers is something I like to be reminded of from time to time.
After all, we're not in this business to be code-monkeys.
Our actions serve some purpose, and that purpose is not generally to chunk out code. In other words,
code has no intrinsic value. Its value is realized in the business purpose it serves.
(One caveat - I suppose the code written in Office Space and similar schemes
had intrisic value, since it's purpose was its value.)
The customer from hell has been brought up in a few places recently. Most prominently at
Peter Bell's
blog (and within the comments), and
also by that kinky student, Ben Nadel in the comments to
being passionate about your job.
In one of Peter's posts, he asks if developers create bad clients. Certainly we can (and do) create bad clients, but at what rate is it our fault? If I had to guess at a number, it would be "a lot."
People will generally respond as you'd like if you just take the time to communicate your wishes with them. As Peter noted, our indecision, mishandled errors, and badly positioned boundaries will tend to create those clients from hell. And what do all of these have in common? It appears to me that they all revolve around poor communication.
I've been thinking about that one today - about the clients I couldn't stand and contrasting those relationships with the customers from whom I couldn't wait for a new project. In every case I could think of, I had poor communication with the bad clients, and excellent communication with the good ones. Some of the bad communication was the customer's fault - they simply didn't have the time to devote to a project or didn't care to do so. Most of it was my fault.
That's not enough to prove anything on it's own, since the type and amount of communication
could have been a result of self selection. I might have chosen to communicate with the customer's I enjoyed working with, and refused to talk with the dreaded ones. But you have to admit, it's at least an interesting coincidence.
Last modified on Oct 22, 2007 at 12:07 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Aug 13, 2007 at 02:25 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Asking the right question
This post relays some wisdom from Scott Davis's keynote speech at NFJS
in Austin a little over a month ago. The talk was titled, "No, I Won't Tell You Which Web Framework to Use... (or The Truth, With Jokes)."
He talked about a lot of different things, but the point of the talk didn't really have anything
to do with web frameworks, or computers in general. It was about choice, markets, crowds, and questions.
It can be applied easily to the software we build, but it can also
be applied equally to other things in general. Well, at least that's what I came away with.
Scott first explained why asking "which web framework should I use?" is virtually pointless. How
do I know what framework you should use? I don't know what you're looking for in it. I don't know what
you need it to do. Answering what you should do based on my needs is "outside my realm of expertise."
All of them work, so "every framework out there is potentially the 'right one.'"
Instead, you should ask me "what framework do you use" or even better, "why do you use the framework that you do?"
Here he actually related it to cell phones, but I'll stick with the web framework theme. In fact, you could
replace web framework with
x, where x ∈ UsableNouns
and it would still make sense.
Choose? I've got too many stinking options!
At this point Scott started to explain analysis paralysis and brought up a new book to put on my to-read list:
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less.
He told a story (I believe to be from the book) that succinctly showed what happens when
consumers are presented with too many choices: Given 3-5 options for tasting Jellies/Jams,
customers ended up buying more of it. However, increasing that to two-dozen left sales at levels
lower than having no sampling at all.
We simply become overwhelmed by the number of options available, turn off, and refuse to make a choice
at all. That leads us to the Maximizer/Satisficer concept,
where the Maximizers are especially prone to analysis because they try to be more prepared when making decisions and
never stop analyzing, even after making the choice. On the other hand, satisficers try to
narrow their decision-making points down to a reasonable few.
The existence of analysis paralysis doesn't "mean that we should limit the number of frameworks that can be legally created."
Instead, we should try to be like the satisficer and "limit out decision criteria to 3-5 important attributes."
So which framework should I use?
Consider "Plain Old HTML." As Scott noted, "Nothing will scale better, nothing
is easier to deploy, [and] nothing is better supported across all vendors, servers, platforms, languages..."
Even without all that, "it forces you to identify what features you really need." That,
according to Scott, is the most important reason to use plain HTML. In any case, make sure you
stick to standards so you can switch easily.
But the interesting part for me was not his discussion of web frameworks - it was the books he
mentioned while making his points (more to put on the to-read list!). Therefore, I'll focus more on that
Scott brought up Struts - and while one might use The Wisdom of Crowds
to justify its use, you might also notice its complexity is reminiscent of an older era and the leaders
of the movement have moved on to other things. It is past Struts 1.x time.
Struts 2 is out now, but it has thus far failed to reach The Tipping Point.
On the other hand, Ruby on Rails illustrates the qualities of the tipping point: virally contagious,
"dramatic and immediate" effect, not "slow and steady." It shows how "tiny 'tweaks' to a proven model
can yield big, disproportionate effects." By introducing the concepts of convention over configuration,
scaffolding, and "opinion-oriented software" to the traditional MVC approach, Rails hit the
tipping point.
When to adopt new technology
Aside from narrowing your decision points and using the heuristic of the wisdom of crowds,
Scott introduced the Gartner Hype Cycle,
the O'Reilly Curve, and yet another book to go on my reading list, Crossing the Chasm
to help explain the tipping point and give something to consider as to when you might want to
adopt a new technology.
Gartner explains the Gartner Hype Cycle
well enough, so I'll leave it to you to learn from the source.
The O'Reilly Curve (Image from Scott Davis's presentation slides - Couldn't find it online Online here)
The O'Reilly Curve (as near as I can tell) was invented by Doug Kaye
of IT Conversations.
Basically, the idea is that "publication of an O'Reilly book signals a transition of that technology from 'innovation' to 'early adopter' phase."
Update: Thanks to Doug, you can read a full discussion about the O'Reilly Curve at his blog.
As you can see in the graph above, there are many stages to technology adoption.
Although you may want to
be an early adopter to increase your chance of success, you can see that you don't achieve
return on investment (as an organization) until after there are experienced staff available to
work in the new technology.
Before that, you have some lead-time that can bring you
competitive advantage.
So when is the best time to move in? If I recall correctly, Scott mentioned the same as Doug Kaye- when
O'Reilly publishes a book. That gives you enough resources to be successful, and enough lead-time
to be ahead of competitors. Of course, your acceptable level of risk and values will vary, so your choice ultimately
comes down to the type of person you are or organization you work in (also explained in Gartner).
As our final heuristic, we can look at the chasm and ask ourselves, "Has the technology crossed it yet?"
Crossing The Chasm (Image from the book, I believe)
Thinking about these things is not only useful from a technology perspective, but from a sales and
marketing business perspective for your own products, which is what interests me more about them. (I don't have much
experience in those areas, which is why I'm putting these books on my to-read list.) Because of
that, I'll remain otherwise silent on the issue, only noting that you needn't look at them from one
"You know that thing you think is a duck? Well I think it's a rabbit."
Scott said something like that when he began a discussion of paradigm shifts, noting that
Rails and Grails are "still fundamentally page-centric MVC frameworks." On the other hand,
Seam, and
are based on the idea of component-widgets and are much more in line with the Web 2.0 paradigm shift.
(The book from this section that goes on my to-read list is The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
which talks about paradigm shifts in science.)
Bringing it all together
You should be convinced that asking what framework you should use is a poor question.
You should be asking what other people use and "why?" As Scott reiterated at the end of his presentation,
"I can't tell you which filters to apply" when making your decision. But the key is found
in "thin-slicing" (from the final book I'll link to today, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking).
Thin-slicing is the act of "filtering on the few factors that matter" while "ignoring the overwhelming number
of others." Sound familiar? It should.
The point is that when making a choice about something, be it technology or otherwise, you need to
consider only what is relevant. Pick a few features you need, pick a level of adoption or risk you're willing to
handle, and consider shifting paradigms (will the well established still be around?). Ask someone
what they use and why they use it. Then, when you've narrowed the field of consideration to something
manageable, you can make your choice.
So, what framework I should use?
Last modified on Aug 13, 2007 at 09:47 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Jul 30, 2007 at 03:21 PM UTC - 5 hrs
As I've mentioned before, I used to try my hardest to avoid contact with the customer, and as software developers, I think we don't spend enough time concerned about the business aspects of what we do.
In My Job Went to India, Chad Fowler says he thinks so too.
To combat code monkey syndrome, Chad suggests we have lunch with business people and read trade magazines for our business domains as often as we can.
Working for a tiny consulting company, I get the benefit of being close to all the business decisions, but not in many specialized domains. However, since I made the decision to stop being a "code robot" (Chad's term), I've always taken the opportunity to talk with clients or meet them for lunch to discuss their domains. Even more recently, a couple of us here have taken to reading trade publications related to a product we're building.
Doing so helps you understand why some of those "crazy" requests are made, and what you can do to make them work in the system while still accomplishing the client's goals. And things just seem to work better that way. Nowadays, I'm no longer getting any "that's a nice system, but it's not what I wanted" comments due to keeping myself stuck in a walled garden. Instead, I'm building software customers want and will use. And the purely selfish benefit: I'm adding to my value as an employee or contractor in those domains.
As an aside, last week I was on vacation, so that's why you didn't see this then. I'll try to make up for it and post two this week.
So are you a code monkey? Are you trying to evolve into a code human?
Last modified on Jul 30, 2007 at 03:23 PM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Apr 05, 2007 at 04:03 PM UTC - 5 hrs
I can only very slightly see the purpose behind angering your users so you can keep the results fresh - but there are better ways to to it - such as polling the server in the background rather than invalidating the session and forcing the users have to re-enter their search terms every few minutes. It's even worse when you invalidate the back button and I can't see my old search results, or if you provide a button that says "return to results" that takes me to enter my search terms for the 10th time.
Sorry about the rant, but it's quite annoying. I can understand doing it unwittingly by accident, but when you're viewing data that doesn't change frequently from someone as "professional" as company X (whom provided the app that prompted this post), it's completely unacceptable, and borders on absurd (on the absurd side of the line). The amount of data that will change frequently enough to justify keeping it that fresh is only very small. When I click on a link to find more information about it and come back 5 minutes later, I shouldn't have to search again, much less re-enter my search terms.
Have you found any valid uses for this? And again, I want to reiterate - I can understand if you want to keep the view updated - but there are MUCH better ways to do it. Even many of the travel sites use it to their detriment (IMO), and I don't understand it.
Update: I've taken out the specific references in this for three reasons:
1) It occurred to me that it is quite unfair to criticize the implementation of an application when I haven't seen it and don't know for sure what I insinuated about it is true.
2) It is also unfair to criticize a specific product after only using it for a couple of minutes.
3) I didn't want to spread rumors about the cost of something when I wasn't completely sure.
Basically, I went a little off the deep end and this is my attempt to come up for air =). My apologies to anyone offended that I took it down (or put it up in the first place). But really, the essence of the post remains in tact.
Last modified on Apr 06, 2007 at 12:15 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Mar 29, 2007 at 08:47 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Last night in my Management Information Systems class we discussed a case about using Second Life as a marketing tool. We were lucky enough to have the professor who wrote the case study present it to us (or walk us through discussing it). For the first half of the session, we discussed as a class the relative benefits and reasons to do it against the drawbacks and reasons not to. In a 30 person class, only 3 people initially saw the investment as a good one. My own misgiving was echoed by at least one of my classmates: with a narrowly limited budget, is spending it on an unproven idea the best course of action - especially when the density of person/land area seems so small in SL? After discussing, we were even luckier to have Matt Nixon, the Director of E-Commerce for STA Travels, North American Division. It was his idea to get his company a presence on Second Life, and now he was here to back up his decision.
Quite some time ago when I read about what could be done on SL via its economy (several months before I started blogging, if I recall correctly), I thought I'd like to get involved and start a company that developed for it. Of course, I've still yet to act on it, but given my prior predisposition to wanting to do that sort of thing, when Matt mentioned two of his primary reasons for doing it - wanting his brand to have a progressive image and getting a good deal on the price by being an early adopter - I was easily convinced to change my position. He also talked a bit about their strategy, which I won't go into here, but it seemed more solid after listening to him speak than after simply reading the case.
It's still too early to tell if this will be a flop - for STA, their site is still under development, and in general, it is still new anyway - but there are some signs pointing to success. For example, companies who have developed their own islands include Toyota, Mazda, Starwood Hotels, IBM, Circuit City, Sears, Dell, Sun Microsystems, MTV, Adidas, American Apparel, PA Consulting, and Major League Baseball. Not-for-profits include the American Cancer Society and "a number of universities" (both lists from the case study, which isn't public to my knowledge, so I don't want to release it before it is completed, much less violate the copyright by posting it myself).
CNN Money also published a piece that details " why tech leaders think Second Life could be a gold mine." From that article:
The company's backers include some of the world's smartest, richest, and most successful tech entrepreneurs. The chairman and first big outside investor is Mitch Kapor, creator of Lotus 1-2-3, the spreadsheet application that helped begin the PC software revolution. Other investors include eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and Microsoft chief technology architect (and inventor of Lotus Notes) Ray Ozzie - each credited with a seminal networked product of our age.
Those are some real heavyweights.
And what interests me most about SL is its economy. Aside from the fact that you could use Euros and deposit them to convert them to Linden dollars (the currency of SL) and then go to the United States and withdraw them as US Dollars, you also see people buying genitalia, hair, shirts, and other items for their virtual selves. It's not a far leap to see that converted to selling real life items. You can check out some economic stats from Second Life here. In particular interest to my case is that this month (March 2007) has seen about double the number of islands sold as last month, with half-again as much land auctioned off. They seem to be gaining new members at a rate of 20 thousand per day, though it seems only a little over a million residents are active participants, with 20-30 thousand on at any given time. In particular, they have just about doubled from 2.6 million users to 5+ million since January. Perhaps the most interesting is that at the time of this writing, over $1.5 million (US) had been spent in the world in the last 24 hours. That's up from $600 thousand per day back in January.
I've focused on Second Life here because that is the one I'm most familiar with, but I want to ask the general question: do you think the future of online marketing can be found in 3D virtual worlds? Why or why not?
Posted by Sam on Feb 09, 2007 at 08:54 AM UTC - 5 hrs
I think that as developers, we too often ignore business objectives and the driving forces behind the projects on which we work. Because I'd like to know more about how to think and analyze in those terms, I decided to take a course about Management Information Systems this semester in grad school. One of the papers we read particularly stuck with me, so I thought I'd share the part that did: When we undertake a risky project (aren't they all?), we should consider what competitive advantage it will give it, and if that advantage is sustainable.
To measure sustainability, Blake Ives (from University of Houston) and Gabriel Piccoli (from Cornell) identify four barriers to erosion of the advantage (this is within a framework they present in the paper, which is worth reading). The barriers are driven by "response-lag drivers," which the authors define as "characteristics of the firm, its competitors, the technology, and the value system in which the firm is embedded that contribute to raise and strengthen barriers to erosion." In any case, on to the four things we should consider:
IT Resources Barrier: This barrier is given by IT assets and capabilities. How flexible is your IT infrastructure? Better than your competitors? How good are your technical people's skills, including management? How good is the relationship between business users and IS developers?
Complementary Resources Barrier: They use the example of Harrah's using its "national network of casinos to capture drive-in traffic and foster
cross-selling" between locations as a perfect example. They also note that these complementary resources need not be considered assets, and could even be liabilities, which, when teamed with the right project could turn into assets.
IT project barrier: This includes the characteristics of the new technology - how visible, complex, and unique it is. Further, it adds the implementation' complexity and process change. Can your competitors readily see your new technology? How complex is it to build? Is it just off-the-shelf software that a competitor could buy as well, or is it proprietary? How complex is it to implement (is it as simple as Word, or is it a complete ERP system), and how much will your daily business processes need to evolve in the implementation of change?
Preemption Barrier: Whereas for the most part we can control the first three barriers within our own organization, or more importantly, a competitor theirs, this is less easy to control, but should be easy enough to predict (I don't think they say that, but based on the description, I think it would be). The idea here "focuses on the question of whether, even after successful imitation has occurred, the leader’s position of competitive advantage can be threatened." What are the switching costs for users of your application? Are they high enough to prevent them from leaving if a competitor was able to imitate your system? It also includes the structure of the value system: do they need another provider of this service (relationship exclusivity)? The authors use the example that you typically have only one mutual fund investment provider. Finally, is the link you are serving with the project in the value chain concentrated enough that you can capture most of the market and "lock-out" your competitors?
I couldn't find the paper online (for free), but if you are interested, you can find it at MIS Quarterly.
Last modified on Feb 09, 2007 at 09:00 AM UTC - 5 hrs
Posted by Sam on Aug 18, 2006 at 08:15 AM UTC - 5 hrs
A couple of weeks ago, John Roth posted a link to Martin Fowler's article on Customer Affinity on the XP yahoo groups list.
I just like being reminded that we shouldn't be thinking "those awful customers want something else done now! Can you believe it?" I think we have those thoughts far too often. I know I used to.
I used to be the type who would actively try to avoid conversations with the customer - get some manager to do it. I've since stopped that approach, but every once in a while I find myself thinking "well that's a stupid idea." In the past, I'd either just do it to get it over with, or tell someone else to tell the customer it was a stupid idea (in more diplomatic terms, of course).
Now, I find it much more helpful and rewarding to discuss (without the use of a proxy) the objectives they are trying to reach with the "stupid idea." I've found a lot of times, the ideas aren't that stupid. Other times, I can suggest a different approach that would solve the problem in a more meaningful way. Still others, I've talked myself out of good paying work that didn't need to be done because of an unfounded fear of a potential problem.
I don't think you can develop good software without understanding the goals of the customer for whom you are writing it. And how can you understand the goals without having that "customer affinity?"
It's a pity so many waste so much time developing software that is essentially useless. I always smile when I hear the "go get this done and come back in 6 months with the finished product" stories. That used to be me, and I mostly always came back with the wrong product.
I like my newer approach much better, and I like to be reminded from time to time about it. That's what this article did for me, and it's definitely worth a read.
Last modified on Aug 18, 2006 at 08:18 AM UTC - 5 hrs